Sunday 18 March 2018

Snow way!

So, the snow's returned, this time with more force than before, although I think with equal transience. At 6am the snow was falling heavily, creating a white out wonderland. Though by the time I ventured out into the forest about 9am, the snow had stopped and already begun to dissipate.  That said, it still looked lovely. As I wend my way through the stands, gusts of wind dislodged the fine snow from the high boughs, causing cascading flurries to swirl in a passing blizzard. The forest is always magical, though the addition of snow, so rare, adds another dimension to the wonder. As I though, the snow had no longevity, and by the time I left the forest the boughs were for the most part clear of snow and a general thaw was noticeable. Good walking.

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