Tuesday 27 March 2018

Neither or both

It was a revolving themed walk today, it was coat closed coat open, hood up hood down, repeat. Driven by high winds the clouds scud across the sky, banks of grey sodden cloud dumped their chilly loads, sometimes heavily. These banks of cloud were regularly broken by expansive patches of clear blue from which a growing spring sun shone. Both weathers blended at their seams, and both were quite intense when established. The sky resolved itself so frequently. I found myself buttoning my coat and putting my hood up to protect from the cold rain, only to have to unbutton my coat and put my hood down as the sun came out and I heated up,  only again to be buttoning my coat and putting my hood up to protect from cold rain, only to........you get the picture. The day really couldn't decide what it wanted to be, it just kept repeating it's options, and I had to go with it. 

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