Thursday 1 February 2018


The wheel turns and now with Imbolc upon us the promise of new life is manifest in the shoots of spring just poking their heads through last autumns fall. This is just the beginning. It wont be long before these Ramson shoots cover the woodland floor, and then fill the stands with their garlic scent. This is a time of preparation and readying. A time spiritually and emotionally to clear the decks of those unwanted and unhelpful things in our life; the negative attitudes, the doubts and self constructed barriers to fulfilling our dreams, or at least striving for them.  A time to clear the home of clutter, easier said than done for a hoarder like myself, who as is the way of hoarders, really believes that I'll find a use for the draws, boxes and jars of things I know I should have thrown away. Tidy house, tidy mind, yeah right. And in our garden and/or allotment, a time for clearing the ground ready to receive the seeds of future harvests. It's a lovely time of year, a time of unbound potential and possibility. A blessed Imbolc to y'all, enjoy.

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