Monday 7 August 2017

Parasol Mushroom

Back at 'the ponds' to check out the areas I've yet to explore. Up slope from the ponds themselves, up beyond the orchard area, is an open rough grassy area through which several parasol mushrooms were poking. Parasols are the largest of our 'standard' mushrooms, with by far the largest caps. Though when they're young their caps are still quite conical and resemble the thatched roofs of Iron Age roundhouses. I wonder if that's where people got the idea for their roofs from, watching the water run off these conical caps and seeing the ground beneath remaining dry.  Anyhow, they're a tasty treat. When the cap has opened if you collect a couple, clean them (they're usually quite clean anyway), cut them into wedges like a cake or pizza, dip them in a batter and fry them. Lovely with a dip or on their own.  Remember though, only ever collect and consume mushrooms that you are a 100% certain of, or you could die!

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