Saturday 15 October 2016

Look at my nut sack!

Shame on you! It's not that sort of blog. No, the sack of nuts I was referring to, is this sack of Sweet Chestnuts. It's a mixed season, some trees good, some not so, even on individual trees there's quite a range in size. But the good sized ones are shop sized, though why people would buy an easily forage-able resource is beyond me. It was a seasonal tradition to go out Chestnut collecting when I was young. How disenfranchised we've become as a people from nature and her cycles and bounty. Anyway, I've postulated that the larger nuts are to be found around and just beyond the canopy's fringe. I reckon it's because they're big, when the case hits the ground they bounce out. It's not a 100% rule, but I'd say 70% of the good sized nuts I found fitted my hypothesis.  If you want some, get out there soon, the woodland folk are going through them at a pace, around some trees all there was to be found were gnawed shells.

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